Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Suboxone Dependency Study

Due to the high volume of phone calls The Waismann Method has received this year, we developed a voluntary study for all visitors to our Web site in order to better understand the steady growth in the use of Suboxone ®, a drug replacement therapy for opiates, as prescribed by physicians. This study also examined the long-term side effects of Suboxone in patients. Through our work with Suboxone dependent patients, we have generated a serious concern with the lack of education and mis-information given by physicians to their patients when prescribed Suboxone ® as an alternative “treatment” to an opiate dependency such as OxyContin ®, Vicodin ®, Lortab ®, and Fentanyl, among others.

Studies conducted in March of 2007, revealed an increase in interest in Suboxone ® as a result of a dependency to the prescription drug. In 2007, The Waismann Method treated an alarming number of patients with Suboxone dependency. Among our findings, the most alarming was that many patients who believed Suboxone to be a “quick fix” suddenly found themselves physically dependent to the drug after a very short amount of time. Additionally, in outreach we conducted to managers of sober-living homes across the country that condone Suboxone ®, the majority of them indicated they were unaware Suboxone ® is actually an opiate itself.

People with opiate dependencies who seek treatment from detox centers are, in many instances, discharged with a Suboxone prescription in order to help them maintain a life free of opiates. It is the position of The Waismann Method that in these instances, patients are not being detoxed but are receiving drug replacement therapy. We fear that patients are being misled into believing they are being treated in these situations.

The Waismann Method believes professionals within the industry should share knowledge and understanding of what one another offer in order to refer patients to a center that is most appropriate for each individual. The more choices available to people with opiate dependencies, the more successfully patients will be treated in the way that best suits them.

We understand that a patient desires to be free of opiates and not to replace one with another. Therefore, if The Waismann Method determines that it is in the best interest of the patient to undergo rapid detox, we will move forward with treatment. It is our hope that our colleagues will view treatment in the same light. Furthermore, as professionals, we have the social responsibility to understand the potential outcomes and consequences of what we have been given the authority to prescribe as well as educate our patients of these outcomes to the best of our ability.

Study Report: Waismann Method Survey Reveals Dependency Risk for People Using Suboxone

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pain Meds Reformulated to Prevent Addiction

With addiction to prescription painkillers rising sharply, some drug makers are looking for ways to deliver effective pain relief with less risk of dependence, the Associated Press reported March 18.

A recent meeting on prescription drug addiction organized by the National Institute on Drug Abuse included information on Remoxy, an abuse-resistant version of oxycodone being developed by Pain Therapeutics Inc. Remoxy is a gelatin version of the drug that, unlike OxyContin, can't be crushed and then snorted or injected. The drug is currently in late-stage clinical trials.

Researchers also are looking at combining oxycodone with naltrexone, an anti-craving drug, to prevent abuse.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stop Drinking Now - Useful Tips To Quit Drinking Alcohol

The intake of alcohol is damaging to both your physical and mental health. It could end up ruining your personal relationships as well as your career. There are so many ways to assist you to stop drinking alcohol.

The first task that needs attention is to actually identify the main reasons why you have the desire to give up drinking. These reasons will general on the whole, but there will also be some more specific to you personally. You may require the assistance of a close friend or family member in order to complete the list.

This most important list should always be kept handy for personal reference in order to keep your commitment on track. It might be a good idea to make photocopies of the list and have them visible in several key locations such as the fridge and the bathroom mirror and keep one in your wallet too.

Normally the more hardened or chronic drinkers can stop drinking completely from one day to the next, although an easier alternative is to reduce quantity on a gradual basis. A laid out day by day plan showing daily reductions will help to get to the final goal of quitting completely.

A constant progress evaluation would be advised over a 4 week period until the new behaviour pattern becomes a habit itself. You will begin to feel better and make a note of these changes but you may encounter negative feelings too. If you do stumble on the way, pick yourself up immediately and always share your experiences with others and learn from them too.

On occasions these self-help programs just don't work out, but don't loose heart. Remember that alcoholism is a disease and could have made serious roots into organism provoking certain chemical alterations in your biological system.

This disease can lead to seriously damaging our body organs such as the liver, the pancreas, the heart, the kidney or the digestive system. These complications will require medical therapy which can overcome the addiction of alcohol. So don't hesitate in asking for medical assistance as this terrible habit really does need professional supervision.

You will always find obstacles on your path towards success and important decisions in you life will have to be taken. The most important one is the friends you wish to be with and you may even have to change your lifestyle in order to avoid any contact with alcohol. A good tip would be to substitute alcohol for something healthy like fruit juice and chewing gum is a great ally too.

There are a number of rehab centers including AA and AVERT which are internationally renowned for helping alcoholics. The members include many x-alcoholics who give valuable support and tips based on their own experiences. These people are really understanding and are always there if you get into deep trouble.

The great thing with these groups is that your identity will always remain anonymous. You can find similar groups online in your town that will be more than willing to draw up a personalised plan that will suit you for cutting out alcohol from your life.

It will be very difficult to turn down old friend's invitations for a good night out, but you must be firm and polite in refusing the invite. Stay strong to your word and don't falter so early on in what will be a tough road to success. Become active by taking up sport or a new hobby and spend more time with your family and friends who support you. Diversion is the name of the game and you must always reward yourself for every objective you meet and every hurdle you get over.

Discover how to Stop Drinking Alcohol In 21 Days - Guaranteed. by expert Ed Philips

Article Source:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Study Relates AA Membership to Lower Murder Rate

Noting the relationship between drinking and violent crime, a new study suggests that increased membership in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) could actually lower the murder rate in a community, Reuters reported Sept. 25.

Researchers from the University of Toronto and Dalhousie University studied AA membership in Ontario between 1968 and 1991 and noted that as more problem drinkers joined the group, the murder rate in the province dropped. Authors Robert Mann and Mark Asbridge calculated that for every increase of one AA member per 100,000 residents, the Ontario murder rate fell 0.3 to 0.5 percent.

"Our study showed that total and male homicide rates in Ontario were strongly related to average levels of alcohol consumption," the University of Toronto's Mann said. "These observations confirm previous research showing that alcohol is a leading contributor to violence, as well as violence-related mortality."

The findings applied to men only. "Males drink more often, more heavily and consume more beer and spirits than females," said Asbridge, of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. "Moreover, the nature of the link between alcohol consumption and violence is more readily a male experience, for example, drinking heavily in bar settings leads to aggression and violence."

The study was published in the October 2006 issue of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Alcoholism vs. Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism is a disease involving uncontrollable physical dependence and emotional reliance on alcohol. The sufferer is unable to stay away from drink even when faced with dire consequences in all areas of his life - marriage, work, financial health. It is a chronic disease and often progresses to the point, if untreated, it becomes fatal.

The term "alcohol abuse" is used to describe a state less severe than true alcoholism. As an alcohol abuser, you may drink to excess and suffer social and health consequences, but never completely lose your control over the substance as you would in full-fledged alcoholism.

Just because it's not as bad as alcoholism, abuse is by no means a safe way to use alcohol. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence says 18 million Americans abuse alcohol. Alcohol plays a part in almost half of all traffic fatalities in the United States. The loved ones of these victims put very little stock in the difference between an alcohol abuser and an alcoholic when the driver at fault drank more than he should have.

Although it's not always easy to diagnose the true alcoholic, there are indications that can be recognized. Not everyone suffering from alcoholism suffers all these symptoms. In addition, because they tend to be secretive about it, it will be difficult to discover in another. Here's what to watch for:

1. Keeping drinking secret from friends and family; drinking alone a lot; hiding the alcohol in unusual places.

2. Being unable to stop drinking once started.

3. Experience full or partial "blackouts," where your memory of events while drinking isn't complete.

4. Becoming annoyed when a regular drinking ritual, like having a drink after dinner, is interrupted.

5. Leaving behind former hobbies and pleasurable activities.

6. Drinking becomes a compulsion or a need.

7. The more time without a drink, the more signs irritability are shown.

8. Gulping strong drinks to achieve the drunk feeling as fast as possible.

9. Tolerance levels are reached making it necessary to drink even larger amounts to achieve the needed feeling.

10. Relationships, work, financial troubles increase, sometimes involving legal actions.

11. When no alcohol has been consumed for a while for whatever reason, experiencing symptoms of physical withdrawal - shaking, sweating, and nausea.

If you haven't reached the stage of true alcoholism, but are instead an alcohol abuser you may suffer some of the same symptoms, with the exception of the compulsion to drink and the withdrawal symptoms when not drinking. Alcoholism is also more suspected when a tolerance to alcohol has been built up and when an inability to stop drinking is observed.

Have you ever wondered if your own alcohol consumption has crossed the line into either alcohol abuse or alcoholism? Ask yourself the following:

- What's the first thing you think of when you get up in the morning? If having a drink ranks in the top 1 or 2, there could be problem.

- Do you feel guilty enough to hide how much you drink from those who care about you? From your boss?

- Do you often think about how you should cut back on the amount of drinking you do? Have you made failed New Years' Resolutions to stop?

- Do you get annoyed when others mention or, heaven forbid, criticize your special relationship to alcohol?

A yes answer to any of these questions could indicate at least alcohol abuse and possibly even alcoholism. Seek help!

Michael Russell

Friday, May 9, 2008

Drug Addiction-It's treatable

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism; A Treatable Illness

Drug addiction and alcohol addiction are comparable to chronic illnesses like diabetes, asthma, and hypertension, and should be treated as such,according to an article published in a year 2000 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Authors Thomas McLellan, Ph.D., and Herbert D. Kleber, M.D., conducted a literature review of those illnesses, revealing that there are underlying similarities between drug addiction, alcohol addiction and chronic diseases. Yet, say the researchers, drug addiction is typically treated as if it is an acute condition. Altering perceptions to think of drug addiction as a chronic illness may change the way it is treated and insured.

The researchers found that drug addiction and alcoholism shares many of the characteristics of other chronic illnesses. In the area of genetic heritability, for example, studies of monozygotic and dizygotic twins have found heritability estimates of .25 to .50 for hypertension; .80 for type 2 and .30 for type 1 diabetes; and .36 to .70 for asthma. Heritability estimates for the drug addictions are similar, ranging from .34 for heroin dependence, .55 for alcoholism, .52 for marijuana dependence, and .61 for dependence on cigarettes.

Typically, both medical professionals and the general public view drug abuse as voluntary activities. That people choose to use drugs seems to set drug addiction and alcohol adidiction apart from other chronic illnesses. Yet, there are many chronic illnesses in which voluntary choice affects initiation and maintenance of disease. Salt sensitivity, obesity, stress level, and physical inactivity, all within voluntary control, are important factors in the development of hypertension.

Drug addiction and alcoholism also resembles other chronic illnesses in regard to treatment response. The course that an drug addiction takes if left untreated is an important issue in this regard. Studies comparing treated and untreated populations of addicts have typically shown that untreated, addictions do not remit.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Painkiller Patches Abused by Addicts

Addicts in Canada have figured out how to get around the new safety features of narcotic pain patches so they can use the drugs to get high, the National Post reported May 5.

Researcher Benedikt Fischer of the B.C. Center for Addictions Research and colleagues said that misuse of fentanyl pain patches, sold under the brand name Duragesic, has been linked to dozens of overdose deaths. To help prevent misuse, drug maker Ortho-McNeil replaced the fentanyl gel in the patches to storing the drug in a plastic matrix. But some users have learned that they can add vinegar and water to the patch and then soak or heat it to draw the drug out of the matrix in liquid form.

"This is bad news in many ways and ... I don't think anybody has a clear idea what to do about it," said Fischer.

The study found that more than half of the 25 street addicts studied in Toronto had injected fentanyl within the past three months.

The research was published March 31, 2008 in the journal Drug and Alcohol Revi

Friday, May 2, 2008

Understanding Alcoholics Anonymous

Understanding Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholism can be defined as the person’s uncontrollable urge to drink alcohol. Alcoholics feel that they cannot live without drinking booze. For normal people, water is a vital drink to live; where as for alcoholics, liquor, booze, beer, (whatever name you call it) is their “h20 in life.” Alcoholism is made up of four elements:

A strong craving for a drink
Physical Dependence wherein withdrawal symptoms are demonstrated: anxiety, shakiness, nausea, and sweating once drinking has stopped for quite a period of time
The inability of the person to stop himself/herself from drinking once the said person has started
Alcohol Tolerance wherein the person feels that drinking is needed to be able to feel better or to be “happy.”

There is still hope for alcoholism to be eradicated little by little. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was developed for this purpose. It is a society that holds informal meetings among alcoholics for them to have all the help they can get in order to attain sobriety as well as help other people like themselves become sober. Here, the members share their experiences as well as give hope to one another and strengthen themselves from the temptations of drinking through their so called twelve step program.

Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith who were both alcoholics who found sobriety through spirituality. Alcoholics Anonymous became known through word of mouth. As soon as the count of members reached a hundred, the twelve-step program was included in a book that was published, speaking about the program and the main stages of the treatment and they are: admitting that one has become powerless, moral inventory, and recognizing that there is a higher power where people should ask help from.

An AA survey made in the year 2004 covering more than 7500 members based in the United States and Canada showed that the average sobriety rate for members is eight years and most of the members who became sober received counseling and spiritual therapies from the outside and that these outside treatments helped them stay sober.

A newly developed network for alcoholics that is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous is the Sober Sources Network which was established just last year (2007). It is a network that gives support to alcoholic people and those with harmful addictions. It was a response to the forums developed (The Sober Village and the Sober Teens Online) discussing and giving information to the said topics.

The Sober Sources Network was formed through the observation that there are only a number of websites that give complete information and resources that are extremely useful to people wanting help for their addictions.

It is good that Alcoholism can be treated even though at a slow rate through Alcoholics Anonymous. It is also amazing that the Sober Sources Network has been designed to give quick and easy online support to alcoholics and drug addicts who wouldn’t really know where to ask help from especially because of the fact that alcoholism and substance abuse is a delicate subject. Sober forums are also there not only to give support to the alcoholics but also to give vital information and support to parents, family members and friends who are affected when a loved one is under the power of alcoholism.

Copyright 2008 C.King, M.Ed., Sober Sources Network- may be reproduced with proper acknowledgments.